G.O. Program

The HollyDELL G.O. Program is a self-directed day program for differently-abled adults over 21 years of age.
The program offers services between the hours of 8:30am and 3:30pm Monday through Friday. However, we also offer weekend and evening activities, hotel respite and individual support services.
The goal of the HollyDELL G.O. Program is to help individuals realize the opportunities that are available, and help them experience life to the fullest.
- academic tutoring
- job skill training and job sampling
- entrepreneurial job endeavors
- volunteer work/community services
- leisure and recreational activities
- physical fitness activities
- personal care services
- transportation
Supportive and caring staff assist each individual in his or her quest to develop and broaden their horizons. Both full-time and part-time attendees are welcome.
For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact Kathy Tingle at (856) 431-4200 or ktingle@hollydell.org.